Kevin Burciaga – Health During a Pandemic!

Quick-Show Notes:

In this episode of The Millionaire’s Lawyer, JP and Kevin Burciaga discuss:

Physical Therapy has now accelerated to doing virtual meetings and has changed more in 4 weeks than it has in 4 years.

After the pandemic, they may implement hybrid meetings, where instead of going into the therapist three times a week, you go once and do e-meetings for the other two.

Virtual has it’s placed, but people will still want the hands-on.

People will still want to go out for concerts, sporting events, and even festivals, but they will defiantly be more aware of the number of people and the protection they need.

Kevin likse to teach his clients to take a moment to sit down and focus, avoid multitasking, and be present.

Harder than ever now to focus and enjoy your consciousness.

When you get home from work, sit down, and do nothing for 15 minutes; it helps calm you down and separate the day.

Intermittent Fasting (IF) is not a cure-all, but it definitely is a diet that is recommended.

IF helps:
  1. Improve focus
  2. Self-control and Self-Mastery

It’s an unfortunate fact that processed foods are designed for people to consume more and more, and that is why it is key to avoid.

We can confidently say that it is worth paying more for organic, local farm foods.

The plant-based diet is now growing, but make sure to watch out for hidden sugars. There are a lot in certain plant-based kinds of milk.

Current food trends always come and go, but do what works best for YOU.

Lab-grown meats are going to take off, a lot of people are being more conscious of what harm is being done to the climate.

Basic Healthy Eating Habits:
  • Make incremental changes
  • Consume unprocessed and organic foods
  • Try to eat foods with four (4) ingredients, and ones you can pronounce.
  • Eat in complete silence
    • Forces you to focus
    • Forces people to notice how much they are eating, and that they are actually consuming more than they need to be
    • It allows you to enjoy your food without your brain having to complete with other stimuli.

Content is the new currency and if you don’t have content, you will not get noticed.

As a business owner, you should stay aware of the trends, and note that the Modern Attention span is “shorter than that of a goldfish”

There is so much value in being able to hook the audience

People really need to slow down for a second and take care of themselves before they burnout.

Tele-Health is now becoming essential, and if clinics do not provide e-meetings it is predicted for them to close.

Everything is now having to change and evolve quickly due to this jolt.

There is NO BETTER TIME to MAKE CHANGES; start off with small changes because over time they make a massive difference.

Nudge your brain in the right direction, and be patient.


Key Takeaways

From this episode of The Millionaires Lawyer with Kevin Burciaga:

  • Make incremental changes.
  • Nobody was expecting COVID-19, but we should expect the unexpected.
  • We are now able to connect and make clientele in other continents.
  • Eat healthy, organic foods that are not processed.
  • This pandemic has caused everything to move to the internet 10 X faster then it was.

Connect with your host, JP:

Phone: 1-833-890-8878