Marc Cerniglia – Spotlight Branding

Quick-Show Notes:

In this episode of The Millionaire’s Lawyer, JP and Marc Cerniglia discuss:

If you have yet you create a website for your business you should get on it; in today’s society everything is digital

Marc feels like people should value SEO less; when people feel they need to achieve 100% SEO ratings it takes away the personality and who you are tailoring to. You are adapting to please the software, not your target audience.

SEO is the area that the majority of people go wrong

Marc Cerniglia and JP both discuss the importance of creating your own credibility; to do so you need content.
  • Videos
    • FAQs are a great quick video; “the one thing you need to know is..”
    • Provide value, the quality of the video does not matter
  • Blog Posts
  • Testimonials
  • Resources
  • Podcast
  • Familiarity

Having one day a month to film content is a great idea and a great way to gather content for the full month.

Make sure you post your content everywhere that you can; even though people may not be looking for your services on Instagram or TikTok it doesn’t mean that when they do need that service they won’t think of you – you will be familiar and they will be comfortable reaching out to you.

Content brings you Brand Awareness; brand awareness is essential

There are so many platforms that you can use nowadays
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok
  • YouTube
  • Spotify / other streaming platforms
  • Website
  • Appearances on other platforms

Marc Cerniglia discusses how you should leverage all of the social media to create what he calls the “Content Loop”

Content Loop
  • Creates touchpoints
    • Social Media posts
    • Email blasts
    • Blogs
  • Makes sure no leads slip through the cracks

As a business owner in today’s society you need to make sure that you are getting your content out; address the ways people are currently consuming their content and make sure you are there

Marc Cerniglia  mentions that the key of Marketing is knowing your Target Audience
  • What are their fears? Hopes? Dreams?
  • How can you address their hopes, while avoiding their fears? Educate via video post.
Your engagement is also something that Marc feels people hold to high; you cant build your business just off of likes and followers.
  • Example: Email blasts, you’re engagements show some people don’t even open your email therefore causing low engagement. Even though that email isn’t being engaged with, it is still bringing you up to the forefront of the mind for the second they see it in their mailbox.

Narrow in on what your business is; it evolves as you hit your stride

  • Focus on who you are working with/for, and what you are doing that makes you the happiest/the most success

Good people find good people

Recognize where you are on this journey – Marc has been at this for 10 years and has reached this level, where are you in comparison? You will not be at this level until you’ve put in the time to get there and build the journey.

Just start recording Video; only going to become more and more of a requirement

Key Takeaways

From this episode of The Millionaires Lawyer with Marc Cerniglia:

  • Content is king nowadays
  • When people are looking for a service you provide, if you are familiar and valuable they will come to you
  • Create your own credibility; it speaks wonders for your business.

Connect with your host, JP:

Phone: 1-833-890-8878

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